The Word is Literally True
"I hate the double-minded, but I love Your law." Psalm 119: 113
Just before I got on the bus 141, I noticed it had 102 on the side of the bus. That got me confused.
"Is this bus 141?" I asked the bus driver.
He nodded.
"But it says 102 on the side."
The driver shrugged his shoulders which I interpreted as "Don't know, don't care."
I got on the bus and tapped my card.
During the journey, I thought literalists like myself, i.e. people who take things literally, must find this world a very confusing place.
Later on the way back, after I got off the first bus, I noticed the live timetable said the bus I was waiting for was the second on the list, but it was due in 15 minutes. I thought, I don't believe I have to wait that long.
My bus was the second to arrive, but it arrived in 1 minute. It arrived so fast that if I hadn't beckoned for the driver to stop, he would have driven right past me, as I was alone at the bus stop. Before I got on, I noticed the destination was wrong. I didn't bother to ask the driver about it, I just got on.
I believe it's good to be a literalist. However, instead of trusting in the world's ways, I trust in God's Word which is literally true and never changes. (Malachi 3: 6)
I trust in Jesus, who is the Word made flesh (John 1: 14). Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. (John 14: 6). ❤️
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