Is the Rapture Imminent?
Ever since I started reading the Bible, I've been fascinated by Enoch of whom it is written walked with God and God took him. In other words, Enoch never experienced physical death, he was translated instantly from this realm to the invisible, spiritual, realm. (Genesis 5: 24). (Elijah was the next man who was translated. see 2 King's 2:11).
I was so fascinated by Enoch, that I adopted his name, hence my pseudonym Enocia. (Joseph was a nickname I was given as a child because I used to have dreams which came true. I even dreamt of my mum's death before it happened).
I decided I wanted to translate the way Enoch did. I once shared that desire with a friend and he said if that happened to me, my family will report me as a missing person and the police will be obligated to investigate. 😀
I later realised that n Matthew 24: 1-44, Jesua did prophecyy his second coming and how His followers will be taken. Although Jesus never revealed when this would happen, he described signs to look out for. When the moment arrives and believers are "taken", it will occur when they're going about their normal daily activities. Some people would be taken at work, in their car, on the train, at home, anywhere. There will obviously be chaos because if someone, for instance, was taken while they were driving a car, the driverless car will obviously crash somewhere.
In 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18, Paul also describes Jesus Christ's second coming and how believers will be caught up to meet Jesus in the clouds. This is known by believers as the "Rapture."
Does this mean all believers will be "taken"?
As Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." Matthew 7: 21.
In other words, not everyone who claim to be a Christian or even attends church are actual bona fide Christians. Since the Lord knows our hearts, He will choose who is "taken." That's why we have to be Rapture-ready. You don't want to remain in this world after the Rapture as it will be utter chaos.
So I was right to have an obsession with Enoch. However, I believe I will not be "taken" the way Enoch was, but it will happen en masse with other believers.
Based on all the signs, I believe the Rapture is imminent.
Come, Lord Jesus. Come quickly! ❤️
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