Praying Removes Obstacles
"...pray without ceasing," 1 Thessalonians 5: 17
When I woke up, I thanked God for the day and for blessing everyone in the production I also thanked Him for taking me to the studio and back safely and for making the day go well. I surrendered everything to Him.
I had planned to leave home at 3am to catch a night bus. At 2.45 am, I checked the arrival times and saw there was a bus due in 5 minutes. As I'm ready, why not leave and catch that bus?
Next door to our flat is a petrol station. The first thing I noticed was a police car. There was also a motor cycle on the ground and a car next to it. Presumably, there had been an accident and the victims had been taken to the hospital. I was able to pass through to the bus stop.
I sent blessings to the people involved in the accident.
The first bus that was due didn't come. When the next bus that was due didn't arrive, I wondered if there was now a diversion because of the accident. I asked one police officer and he said they had reported the incident and there must be a diversion as no buses have gone by. I decided to walk to the previous bus stop in case there was a diversion from that stop. I also kept thanking God fervently for sending the bus as that was the only way I could travel into central London at that time of night. Within a few minutes, I noticed a night bus approaching.
I was supposed to catch a minibus from central London to the film studio. I followed the direction I was given by this app, but I kept going round and round in circles and getting lost. I didn't want to miss the minibus. I finally met this woman who assured me I was on the right track and I should walk through a station where I found the minibus.
The shoot was fun and wonderful.
I also got a lift back to north London and I caught a bus home.
In this world, it's important to constantly pray as you go and never take anything for granted.
Thank you, God, for Your constant guidance and provision! Even when there are obstacles, You always make a way through them. ❤️
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