
Summer Jazz Barbecue

Some Christian friends invited me to their summer jazz barbecue to share their faith in Jesus. Great company, food, music and weather.   I give thanks to Jesus for His Grace. ❤️ Music by the Jeff Hammer Combo.

British Summer

At the bus stop, this woman asked if she could lean her shopping next to where I was sitting. She said she was having problem with the weather as it was too hot. She was born in Kenya (of Indian descent) but it wasn't as hot as it is here.  She has to be careful as she doesn't want to be ill. I told her I had a headache the other day because of the heat. I told her I lived in Sierra Leone as a child.  It's been over 40 years since I've been and I don't think I'll be able to cope with African heat if I went back. When she told me she'd been in the UK since 1964, I burst out laughing.  "The way you were complaining about the weather, I thought you'd only moved from Kenya last year," I said. "I just can't get used to the heat here," she said. When my bus arrived, I wished my friend well. So it's not just me then that doesn't appreciate the British humid summer.😄

Chivalry is Kindness

While the bus was approaching from a distance, an elderly man asked this woman to go ahead in front of him, but she declined. He asked me to go ahead in front of him and I told him he could go ahead as he was carrying shopping bags. "You ladies are strange," he said. "You don't seem to like gentlemanly behaviour." "Oh, yes, I do!" I said. "I'm from the older generation who appreciates when a man gives up a seat for her." "That's good to hear," he said. He told me he was 86 years old and he looked in very good form. When the bus arrived, the gentleman insisted that I go ahead of him. I was happy to oblige. In my reality, chivalry is very much alive.  Another word for chivalry is kindness. ❤️

Workinh with GenZs

I was having a conversation with a work colleague about a jacket I bought circa 1998 which I still wear as it's a classic and I paid a lot for it at the time. 8 "I was born in 1998," she said. "I love vintage clothing." 😄 Another colleague was having a problem with someone at work who had made her upset. She said, "I'm sure if it was you, you would have known how to handle him as you are quite elderly." "I'm elderly, am I? Thanks a lot!" She burst out laughing and said, "But you're a lot stronger than me though." That's what happens when you work with GenZs. Your clothing is vintage and they see you as elderly, even though they are puzzled that you still look young and are full of energy. 😄

Spirit versus Flesh

"For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law." Galatians 5: 17-18 ----- The Spirit is always present, but the flesh is constantly fiighting against the Spirit. Here's one example. While I was working outside welcoming guests into the museum, I started feeling like I was getting blurry vision, symptoms of a migraine, which I haven't had in years. I called my manager to let her know that I needed to take time out. She told me she was also experiencing a mgraine and  I could go home if I wasn't feeling well. I told her I just needed to sort my head out. I went to the staff room. As I was the only one there, I switched the light off, sat in a corner and started silently calling on the name of Jesus, whose name is above all names. This means every knee, including blurred vision, has to bow to Hi

Blessing the Bus

"By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.' Hebrews 11: 2 ----- On the bus, I noticed this woman sitting on the opposite side with her foot on the seat. As I didn't want to ask her to remove her seat, I asked God to bless everywhere on the bus with love. The first thing I noticed wa she removed her seat and tossed her white cardigan on the seat. Then she put on her cardigan and stretched her foot but thus time she kept her foot off the seat. Everything comes from the spirit. If you want to change an environment in a positive way, it has to be done from the spirit. ❤️

Grace Church

Earlier this year, I found this Grace church online that's  not far from where I live. I intended to check it out, but got distracted and went to the local Methodist church instead. Today I paid a visit to the Grace church. I really enjoyed  the service.   I  love that they are very much focused on Jesus. The church members were very hospitable. After the service, I chatted to a few members and I was given a lift home. They knew exactly where I lived. Thank you, Jesus, for connecting me with fellow disciples. ❤️