Strength Made Perfect in Weakness

 "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12: 9


When the government lifted all Covid restrictions, I stopped wearing my mask on public transport.

Within a few days, I had  a cold which led to a chesty cough. I spent a few days indoors recuperating and reading.

When a friend asked me to do a shoot, I was excited to be out again but I was wary about shooting outdoors.  He assured me we wouldn't be out for long.

When I woke up this morning, I had a thought that maybe I should just cancel and stay in bed as I am still feeling too weak to be out on this bitterly cold day.

I dismissed the thought and reminded myself that I don't have to go out on my own strength.  I have God's Grace to keep me going.

I believe God's Grace is like a shower that is constantly pouring His unmerited favours on me everywhere I go.

While I still had the sniffles, I got to where I needed to go and even had help finding my destination. I also had fun with my colleagues.

When I am weak, God's Grace gives me strength. ❤

I believe God's Grace is like a shower that is constantly pouring His unmerited favours on me everywhere I go.

While I still had the sniffles, I got to where I needed to go and even had help finding my destination. I also had fun with my colleagues.

When I am weak, God's Grace gives me strength. ❤

Photo taken around where we had the shoot.


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