Human Spirit - Life or Death

 "The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, but who can bear a broken spirit?."  Proverbs 18: 14

"The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear a crushed spirit?" Proverbs 18: 14

"But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit." 1 Corinthians 6: 17

"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." I Thessalonians 5: 23


There was a time when my mum had to have hip replacement operations. One of them was even botched and she had to have it redone which meant spending lots of time in hospital.

Even though mum went through a lot of suffering, she had hope she was going to be well.  She demonstrated her faith by ordering outfits and shoes that she intended to wear to church when she got better. That's exactly what happened  - mum got to wear her outfits to church. 

A few months later, mum fell ill again.  I noticed this time, she didn't have the same hope she had before. She even stopped crotcheting, which I knew she loved doing. It's as if she had already given up. 

Before mum was diagnosed with cancer, she phoned her older brother in Sierra Leone to let him know that it looked like he was going to outlive her. He told her she was being silly and assured her she was going to get better.

When mum was officially diagnosed, even though she assured me she intended to fight (and even got me to put her name on prayer lists), I later discovered she was secretly talking to her church minister about  going to heaven to be with the Lord. In other words, her spirit had already made the decision to check out.

One night while I was half asleep, I felt my mum's presence beside me and  I heard her telling me she wanted to leave. I told her I needed her and begged her to stay. When I fell asleep, I had a dream that she had died and I was emailing loved ones and organising her affairs. 

The next day when I went to visit mum in hospital, I asked her if she was giving up. She told me she had no intention of giving up.

A few days later, my mum passed away and everything I had seen in my dream came true.

Another thing, while mum was in hospital, I could still feel her presence in the flat we lived in. The moment mum died, I could no longer feel her presence.

That experience with my mum taught me that the decision to live or die is determined by your human spirit. If your spirit wants you to live, no terminal illness medical diagnosis has any power over you.  However, when your spirit is already "crushed," a doctor's terminal illness diagnosis is merely confirming the inevitable. 

I believe when you become born again and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour,  your spirit is now one with Jesus whose Spirit can never be "crushed" and can overcome everything.

Peace! ❤️

This photo of my mum was taken after she recovered from her hip operations. She passed away 10 months later.


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