Travelling on the Bus in Oneness with God

During my bus journey, I was thinking of my oneness with God and praising God silently, I noticed this woman sitting on the other side of the bus. She then swapped seats and sat right behind me. I immediately sensed, as we say in the UK, that she wasn't all there. 

As I continued to praise God in my thoughts, I could hear the woman talking to herself and then laughing. I knew that she knew what I was thinking of and she was mocking me. I was going to swap seats but then I thought, why should I? I am one with God and I am perfectly safe.

My friend sat behind me throughout the journey, but I was no longer bothered by her. I continued to focus on my oneness with God and thanking God for being wonderful.

When I got off the bus, I had to walk round the corner to catch my next bus, which was already at the bus stop. There was no way I was going to catch it as it was too far. I resigned myself to waiting for the next one. 7

As I was approaching the stop, the bus was still standing at the stop, I ran to catch it.  The doors were already closed. There was a guy trying to pay with his phone, but it wasn't working. In the meantime, I knocked on the doors and the driver let me in.  The man let me use the machine. After I had tapped my card, the man tapped his phone and it worked.

Nice strategy there, God! Thank you for stopping the bus for me!  😊❤


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