The Timeless Now

"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6: 2


So I went to this shopping mall to use their toilets, which are on the second level. I decided to use the escalators. 

The escalator going up from the first to the second level wasn't working. I didn't feel like walking up. I thought about using the lift, but it was too far away and it looked busy.

I decided to walk up the escalator.

While I was walking up the escalator, I  was mentally counting. Every step I took, I counted as one.  I have no idea how many actual steps there were.  All I know is when I got to the top, I wasn't  tired at all. How can I be tired when I have only walked up one step?

Actually, what I was doing was stopping time. Every step I was taking was in the timeless now.

Every step I take and every move I make is now. 😊


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