Day Trip to Brighton

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8: 28


For the last two months, I've been waking up early on week days to watch Dr David Jeremiah on GodTV at 6am, as I find his sermons very inspiring. 

This week he's been teaching about Romans Chapter 8, which he believes to be the Greatest chapter in the Bible

Today he preached about Romans 8: 28 - which he believes to be the greatest promise in the Bible for all believers in Christ:

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."  Romans 8: 28

My friend and I had planned to take a trip to Brighton, a seaside resort  in the south coast of England. (It was my early birthday celebration). As my friend lives in east London and I Iive in north London, we arranged to meet at southwest London to catch the train to Brighton.p

We had a fabulous day.

Later, my friend said she was thinking of getting the train back that goes through the City of London. I was reluctant to get that train as I thought it would be going out of my way. I told her it would be a shame for us to part company and travel separately to London. We decided to leave Brighton around 5pm so we could both avoid the rush hour in London.

While we were relaxing at this hotel away from the heat, I went to use the toilet. I then had a thought that I should travel on the same train as my friend.

When I came out, I told her I was going to travel back with her.

When we arrived at Brighton Station, there were lots of commuters on the concourse. Apparently,  several trains had been cancelled because of the hot weather, which was affecting the train tracks. There was only one train going to  London, the one my friend had suggested.  It was already 10 minutes late. When I checked the train stops, I saw that train was not only going through the City but travelling through north London, which would take me home a lot faster.  A train staff also advised us to walk right down the platform so we'll be able to get  seats on the train when it finally arrived.

When I obeyed the Holy Spirit, all things did work togethet for both of us. We not only left at the right time, we were not affected by the earlier train delays. We also got seats on the train and the train took both of us closer to our final destination. 

Thank you, God, for always making things work out for good! ❤️

Link to Dr David Jeremiah"s sermon


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