God's Unmerited Favour

So I noticed scratches on my reading glasses, which I need for work.

After work, I stopped off at my local optician to book an eye test appointment so I can get new glasses, as it's been ages since I had one. 

The receptionists were very busy and it took them ages to serve me. While I was waiting, I heard them telling a customer that they have a long eye test waiting list and the earliest date they can do is sometime in October.

When I was finally served, the receptionist told me about the long waiting list. She asked me what time would be best for me and I said after work. She said the last appointment is usually around 4.50pm. I said I'll try and make it.

She then asked me if I could do weekends and I said yes. She told me I was very lucky as they had one appointment available in two days time. Could I make it?

Yes, yes, yes!

What some call "luck" is simply God's unmerited favour at work for a believer.

Thank you, God, for your constant unmerited favours!  


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