The tallest building in the UK

On the bus yesterday, this boy (aged around 9) and his mum were sitting across me The boy told his mum he had just spotted The Shard (the tallest building in the UK). His mum doubted he could see the building so far away. I secretly agreed with his mum. As the bus dtove on, the boy said he could no longer see the building. At some point, he boy pointed to a building in the distance and said it was The Shatd. This time, I secretly agreed with him. I was impressed he could from that distance. He told his mum how tall the building was. He seemed to know a lot about the building. As the bus got closer to the City, The Shard became clearer. Before I got off the bus, I told the boy's mum that I was very impressed rhat her son had spotted the building from such a distance. Today this photo of The Shard, that I took eight years ago while travelling on the train, popped up in my Facebook Memories. How amazing is that! 😊😳