Random Questions Answered

A few days ago, while I was going for a walk, I noticed a lot of people around this church I've attended before. I wondered what was going on.

Later,  I was approached by two young women and one of them gave me a flyer inviting me to an event on that same evening at the church I had been wondering about.  I thanked her for the flyer.

While I was walking to this supermarket to get some groceries, I wondered whether the event was a Christian one. Within a few minutes I was approached by this young guy and he handed me a flyer for the same event. I  asked him what kind of event it was and he said it was Christian.  I told him I was a Christian. He said I would enjoy it. I told him I would think about it.

On the way to the store, I wondered if the event was my cup of tea. After I finished shopping, I headed to the bus stop. While I was waiting for my bus, I could hear loud music blaring from another street. I  heard someone inviting people to the church concert. That kind of music is not my cup of tea. I won't be attending that Christian concert. 😄

On the way to church this morning, I noticed a lot of police presence in front of the Abbey opposite our church. I wondered if any  members of the royal family were in attendance. I asked this woman taking photos if she knew what was going on, but she didn't. I decided to leave as I didn't want to be late for church.

After the service finished, I went to help out on the church tour. I had been asked to welcome visitors at the desk and direct them to the dome.

Soon this couple came in. While they were signing the visitors' book, I noticed the man was wearing a uniform.  I asked him what the uniform was for. He told me it was the Navy. He said they'd had a service earlier at the Abbey.

I told him I'd been wondering about the heavy police presence outside the church. He said it  was because some high ranking politicians were attending the service.

Thank you, God, for answering all my random questions. ❤️


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