Connected Yet Disconnected

"He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." 1 John 4: 8


I believe mobile technology is a d8ouble edged sword.

On the one hand, mobile phones connect people, on the other hand, they disconnect people. Here are two examples.

While I was travelling on the bus, it was so packed full, three passengers were standing upstairs. The bus driver made an announcement for passengers standing upstairs to go downstairs. None of the standing passengers budged. I reckon they either couldn't understand what the driver was saying or couldn't hear him.  As I was sitting next to one of them, I tapped him and told him they weren't allowed to stand upstairs and they should go downstairs, which they did.

A few days later, I was travelling again on another bus. This time, I was sitting at the back upstairs. I noticed two women standing. The bus driver announced that passengers weren't allowed to stand upstairs, but they didn't move. The driver announced again that those standing are asked to go downstairs for their own safety. The woman in front went downstairs, but the other stayed put.

What's going on with her?

I got up and walked to the front. I told the woman she couldn't stand there. I said she could either sit on the one seat available or go downstairs.  She chose not to sit down and went downstairs.

On both occasions, I noticed majority of the passengers were on their phones, some with their headphones, others on their AirPods.  They wouldn't have heard the drivers' announcements anyway.

I'm sure a lot of people on their phones were listening to things they loved or connecting with their loved ones, but were they actually connected to Love?

Because I wasn't on my phone, I was aware of what was going on and could hear both drivers' announcements.

I believe it was the Love of God that inspired me to ask those passengers to move downstairs as God cares about our safety.

I love my phone, but it's no good to me if it separates me from God.❤️


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