Thinking of God's Infinitude

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23: 7


On my way to work, I was meditating on God's infinitude in 1 Kings 8: 27.(See Bible verse below). I thought about how the entire tube represents all of God's creation (seen and unseen). While God fills all of it, It cannot contain God.  In other words, God fills all time and space and is outside time and space.

When I arrived at work, one of my colleagues told me I was glowing.

"I'm always glowing," I said.

"Yes, but today you are glowing more than usual."

"That's becsuse the Lord is with me," I smiled at him.

It's wonderful how when I was thinking about God's presence, my colleague could see His light around me.

We really do become what we think.

Thank yoo, Lord for being in me, with me and around me.❤️


Related Bible verse:

"But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. How much less this temple which I have built!" 1 Kings 8:27


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