God Gets All the Glory

 "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10: 31


A few months ago, a friend who works as a security guard at this art centre, told me she was concerned about her new employer cutting back on her shifts. She is only meant to work part time at the weekend, but they had drastically reduced the number of days she could work in the month.

She had another job working from home, which she was finding very stressful.

I told her I will pray for her and assured her everything will work out. She was doubtful, but said she will start going to her Catholic church.

Since then, we've exchanged the odd text to say hello, but I haven't seen her to have a proper catchup.

Yesterday, I went to the arts building where my friend works hoping to see her. I was happy to hear she was working that day. 

When we met up for a chat, she told me her employer had done a volte face about her. One minute he wasn't offering her any shifts, the next he put her on the priority list. Every time there are hours available, she's given first refusal.  He is even offering her hours above the hours agreed in her contract. She said she didn't know why all that was happening to her.

I told my friend God was obviously looking after her and she should be grateful.

I asked her about her working from home job. She said she has less to do and it's now very easy.

My friend is not convinced God has anything to do with her employer's change of attitude, but I am convinced God is the Cause.

God gets all the glory. ❤️


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