God’s Constant Provision

"And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18: 3


So I needed a new anti-virus for my laptop.  I went to my favourite tech store and asked if they had any Black Friday deals. The shop assistant told me it wasn't Black Friday yet. I said, I've noticed Black Friday sales already online. He asked me what kind of anti-virus I was looking for and I told him. He looked  it up online and told me they had one that can cover one device and it was very reasonably priced. When he went to get it, he couldn't find one. He said I could buy one that covers two devices, which costs more than double the price. I insisted I only wanted cover for one device only.

He then went to speak to his supervisor.  Both of them returned and told me if I didn't mind waiting, they will try and find one in their stockroom.

In about 15 minutes, I had my anti-virus. I was really grateful for their help. 

At the library, I decided to download the antivirus using the code provided. After I typed the code, an error came up which meant I had typed the codes wrong. I asked a library user if he could assist me. He very kindly read all the digits for me. This time, it worked. I thanked him for his help.

One thing the shop assistant at the computer shop and the young man in the library had in common was how kind they were.  The shop assistant had kind eyes and the young man who had read the codes for me had a very kind and warm voice. I could feel my Father God's love flowing through them. 

Thank you, Father God, for your constant love and your constant provision.❤️


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