
"Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. " Matthew 18: 3


While I was welcoming visitors to the museum, I noticed this little girl with her mum and she was looking glum.  I said to her, "You look like you don't want to be here."

Her mum explained to me that the girl wanted to go to another tourist attraction, but she wanted them to come to the museum first. I told the girl at least she had something to look forward to after the museum, which made her smile. I then said au revoir to them.

Later, I noticed two little girls, who looked like sisters and aged between 5 and 7, coming out of the museum, I asked one if they'd had fun.

"I don't like museums," she said in an American accent.

"Good for you," I said. "Thanks for being so honest."

Their dad, who was right behind them, was laughing and said "Well, we liked it," referring to himself and his wife.

That's what I love about young kids, there's no pretense. They show or tell you exactly what they think. I wouldn't want to be dragged around a museum either to see artefacts I have no interest in. 😆


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