Shopping with the Holy Spirit

Because my job involves standing up for hours, I needed to get new footwear as the cheap trainers I've been wearing have been very uncomfortable.

I have several trainers which are very comfortable, but they are too colourful for work as your shoes have to be black.

My ideal would be black trainers that could pass as smart shoes where the logo is either hidden or not that obvious.

The first thing I did was check the website of my favourite brand of trainers, I found a pair I liked. Because they said they come in small sizes, I decided to visit one of their stores at Oxfird Street (Europe's busiest shopping street with 200+ shops) where I could try them on for size.

After work, I caught the bus to Oxford Street. As the bus was driving  by, I noticed a shop that someone had recommended. (I actually have one of their trainers, but they are in pink and blue and not suitable for work). There was another shoe shop next door that I am also familiar with. 

Should I get off the bus? Nah.

I stayed on the bus and got off at the other end and went into the trainers store. I asked them if they had the trainers I had seen online. They didn't.  They recommended another pair.  After trying them on, they didn't fit and I didn't like them.

I decided to catch the bus back and try the two shops I'd spotted on the bus. In the firsr shop, I found exactly the kind of shoes I was looking for. Although they cost a lot more than I was willing to spend, they are comfortable and will last longer.

It's fun going shopping with the Holy Spirit as He knows exactly where I should go and what to get

Thank you, God, for my new shoes. ❤️

Photo of my new shoes


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