God's Constant Protection

 "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever." Psalm 23: 6


On the first day after we had heavy snow in London (see video clip below), I had to pop out to buy some grocery. The shop is about 10 minutes walk away from home.  I prayed for God to get me there and back safely.

When I got back, I realised something - though I know intellectually that God's goodness and mercy is everywhere I am, I still have that mentality that there are areas where I think I am more safe than others. That's simply not true. Just because I appear to be in a comfortable home doesn't mean I don't need God's protection.  What about those  times when I've nearly died in my sleep? If it wasn't for God's protection,  I would be a goner! That's why I need to constantly acknowledge that I live, move and have my being in God's Presence wherever I am.

A few days later, when I went out, our local roads still had a lot of frozen snow. When I said hello to this woman  walking by, she said the pavement was treacherous. I wished her well.

While the pavements did appear slippery and icy, I knew God was taking care of me every step of the way, just as He is caring for me every step of the way when I am indoors.

Reminder to self:

I need God's care, love, provision and protection everywhere I am. ❤️


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