What Bus is That?

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.. and his name shall be called Wonderful." Isaiah 9: 6


While I was waiting for my bus, the glare from the  bright sunlight was preventing me from seeing the numbers in front of the buses approaching until the last moment. As I was the only one at the bus stop, I didn't want the bus I wanted to go past me. Otherwise, I would have to wait a long time for the next one, as the bus companies operate a restricted bus service on a Bank Holiday.

So I thought, Lord could you let me know when my bus is approaching.

Several buses went by, but they weren't mine.

Finally I saw this bus approaching really fast, but I couldn't tell whether it was mine or not. Suddenly, I noticed this cyclist in front of the bus and the bus slowed down and was driving at the same speed as the cyclist. That gave me all  the time I needed to confirm it was the bus I was waiting for. I then beckoned for the bus driver to stop.

Nice one, God!

God is wonderful! ❤️


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