
Showing posts from 2024

Summer Jazz Barbecue

Some Christian friends invited me to their summer jazz barbecue to share their faith in Jesus. Great company, food, music and weather.   I give thanks to Jesus for His Grace. ❤️ Music by the Jeff Hammer Combo.

British Summer

At the bus stop, this woman asked if she could lean her shopping next to where I was sitting. She said she was having problem with the weather as it was too hot. She was born in Kenya (of Indian descent) but it wasn't as hot as it is here.  She has to be careful as she doesn't want to be ill. I told her I had a headache the other day because of the heat. I told her I lived in Sierra Leone as a child.  It's been over 40 years since I've been and I don't think I'll be able to cope with African heat if I went back. When she told me she'd been in the UK since 1964, I burst out laughing.  "The way you were complaining about the weather, I thought you'd only moved from Kenya last year," I said. "I just can't get used to the heat here," she said. When my bus arrived, I wished my friend well. So it's not just me then that doesn't appreciate the British humid summer.😄

Chivalry is Kindness

While the bus was approaching from a distance, an elderly man asked this woman to go ahead in front of him, but she declined. He asked me to go ahead in front of him and I told him he could go ahead as he was carrying shopping bags. "You ladies are strange," he said. "You don't seem to like gentlemanly behaviour." "Oh, yes, I do!" I said. "I'm from the older generation who appreciates when a man gives up a seat for her." "That's good to hear," he said. He told me he was 86 years old and he looked in very good form. When the bus arrived, the gentleman insisted that I go ahead of him. I was happy to oblige. In my reality, chivalry is very much alive.  Another word for chivalry is kindness. ❤️

Workinh with GenZs

I was having a conversation with a work colleague about a jacket I bought circa 1998 which I still wear as it's a classic and I paid a lot for it at the time. 8 "I was born in 1998," she said. "I love vintage clothing." 😄 Another colleague was having a problem with someone at work who had made her upset. She said, "I'm sure if it was you, you would have known how to handle him as you are quite elderly." "I'm elderly, am I? Thanks a lot!" She burst out laughing and said, "But you're a lot stronger than me though." That's what happens when you work with GenZs. Your clothing is vintage and they see you as elderly, even though they are puzzled that you still look young and are full of energy. 😄

Spirit versus Flesh

"For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law." Galatians 5: 17-18 ----- The Spirit is always present, but the flesh is constantly fiighting against the Spirit. Here's one example. While I was working outside welcoming guests into the museum, I started feeling like I was getting blurry vision, symptoms of a migraine, which I haven't had in years. I called my manager to let her know that I needed to take time out. She told me she was also experiencing a mgraine and  I could go home if I wasn't feeling well. I told her I just needed to sort my head out. I went to the staff room. As I was the only one there, I switched the light off, sat in a corner and started silently calling on the name of Jesus, whose name is above all names. This means every knee, including blurred vision, has to bow to Hi

Blessing the Bus

"By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.' Hebrews 11: 2 ----- On the bus, I noticed this woman sitting on the opposite side with her foot on the seat. As I didn't want to ask her to remove her seat, I asked God to bless everywhere on the bus with love. The first thing I noticed wa she removed her seat and tossed her white cardigan on the seat. Then she put on her cardigan and stretched her foot but thus time she kept her foot off the seat. Everything comes from the spirit. If you want to change an environment in a positive way, it has to be done from the spirit. ❤️

Grace Church

Earlier this year, I found this Grace church online that's  not far from where I live. I intended to check it out, but got distracted and went to the local Methodist church instead. Today I paid a visit to the Grace church. I really enjoyed  the service.   I  love that they are very much focused on Jesus. The church members were very hospitable. After the service, I chatted to a few members and I was given a lift home. They knew exactly where I lived. Thank you, Jesus, for connecting me with fellow disciples. ❤️

Happy Father's Day!

 "The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you." Jeremiah 31: 3 ---- Just recently when I woke up, I could feel someone's arms around me. It felt very real and masculine. I knew it was the Lord’s arms around me. A few days later, I wanted to have that experience again so when I woke up I asked God to give me a hug. Although I knew God was giving me a hug, it didn't feel tangible like the last time. I then turned my  laptop on and logged on to a Christian channel I like watching. I then closed my eyes. Suddenly I saw a vision of a little girl lying in bed and being hugged by their dad. The girl was giggling and looked very happy. It was then I realised that the vision I was being shown represents me and my relationship with my Father God. I asked for a hug and He showed me a vision of our relationship.  I don't remember ever having that kind of relationship with my human

Blessing My Neighbour

"You are the light of the world."  Matthew 5: 14 ---- As Chrristians, we are the light of the world and we are to let the light  of Christ shine wherever we are. One way I shine my  light is to bless my neighbours. When I first moved into my current flat, my flatmate warned me that the lady next to my bedroom usually has her television on really loud as she's almost deaf and needs a hearing aid. I haven't seen her as she no longer goes out. My flatmate tells me she's now 100 years old, but refuses to be moved into a care home. She now has a carer who comes in a few days a week to help her. Early this morning I heard my neighbour's phone ringing, but there was no response. I've heard that happen lots of times before, but this time I was quite alarmed. I spoke to my flatmate about it and she assured me the lady probably didn't have her hearing aid on and couldn't hear the phone. Later as my flatmate was leaving for work, I looked outside my bedr

Mind Meld

"For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16 ---- While I was sitting on a park bench people watching , I noticed this woman walking with  her dog beside her. As they were approaching the park gate, the dog stopped and sat down and waited for his owner to put the leash around his neck. Once the leash was on, it walked beside the woman. I was amazed how so in tune the dog was with its owner that he knew exactly when to stop to let put on his leash. The way the owner and her dog were so in tune reminds me of the Vulcans in the American sci-fi series, Star Trek. When a Vulcan wants to share his thoughts, he  mind melds with the willing participant by saying: "My mind to your mind, your thoughts to my thoughts." I believe when I gave my life to  Christ I allowed my mind to meld with Christ  His Mind becomes my mind and his thoughts become my thoughts. However, this is a continuous process of rene

Everlasting Life

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life."John 6: 47 ----- I believe when Jesus said those who believe in Him have everlasting life, I take that literally to mean I have  infinite life in Christ. So what if I'm having a bad day or week? It doesn't matter, I have infinite more days/weeks to come. This week has been one of those weeks. At the start of the week (Sunday), I went for a lovely walk with an old friend and she bought me lunch. By the next day, I  started fighting a cold. I thanked God that I was already healed and received it by faith, but my flesh was having none of it. It developed into a full-blown cough and cold.  While I was wsiting for my body to catch up with what's already done, I had lots of sleep, meditated on Bible verses, watched videos and stuff I like on TV. By Wednesday, I'd ran out of food and forgot to ask my flatmate to buy me some. After praying for strength,  I went to this local cafe and got a take

Annual Rent Increase

A few weeks ago, my flatmate and I had a chat about our annual rent increase which was fast approaching.  We wondered how much our landlord was going to increase our rent by and how far  I was willing to stretch myself. Last year's was a whopping increase. I didn't fancy another one this  year. I don't particularly want to move as I like living with my flatmates (including her cat). It's also a nice, quiet and green neighbourhood with great amenities. In fact, this flat met the exact requirements I prayed for. I trust that God will provide whatever the increase. Back to our conversation,  my flatmate and I decided not to worry, but wait and see what happens. I decided to wait on the Lord instead by praying for the rent increase to be fair and reasonable for all parties. Last night, I woke up around 3am to use the toilet. As I couldn't get back to sleep, I turned my phone on and started browsing the BBC news website. I noticed an article saying rents were increa

The Lord is Watching Over Me

On this day, thee years ago, I went for a walk at Lee Valley Park.  I notced the clouds looked like a face. I could actually see two eyes and a nose.  I took a photo. To me, the face represents the Lord constantly watching over me.  Thank you, Lord, for constantly watching over me. ❤️  ---- "The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121: 7-8, NLT

What is Christianity?

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5: 1 "I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13: 5 ---- Christianity is not a religion, denomination, or theology. Christianity is man's personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  This means my relationship with God is constant wherever I am and whatever I am doing whether I am  being still, praying, praising God, reading the Bible, meditating on the Scriptures, in church, on public transport, at work, with friends, at home, browsing the Internet, taking a walk by myself and in my dreams.  That's what makes me a Christian and a woman of God. I give thanks to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, who is forever in and with me. ❤️

Keeping Bus Seats Clean

During my bus journey, I noticed this man sitting on the other side chatting loudly on his mobile with one foot on the seat in front of him. I hate when people do that. I was tempted to ask him if he could remove his foot from the seat, but I remembered from past experience that some people get really offended when you ask them to do that. I decided  to use another tack. I thanked God for filling the bus with His Presence. Immediately,  he removed his foot from the seat and crossed his legs. After a  few minutes, he placed his foot back on the seat. I reminded myself of God's loving presence and, In my thoughts, I commanded him to keep his foot off the seat. I then stopped focusing on him When I looked across at him, I noticed both feet were now on the floor and he kept them there for the duration of his journey.  He got off at the same stop as me. Thank you, Lord, for keeping London bus seats nice and clean. ❤️

God Gives Us Strength

While my work colleague, a fellow Christian, and I were having our afternoon tea break, she was using her laptop and I was reading passages from the Bible on my phone. One Bible verse I read was as follows: "He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength." Isaiah 40: 29 Later as we were packing up and getting ready to go home, she said she was feeling tired and prayed out loud asking  for God to give her strength. I read the Bible verse I had just read to her about God giving her strength. Isn't it wonderful how God meets His children's needs? ❤️


"My times  are  in Your hand." Psalm 31: 15 ----- While I was walking to the bus stop, I was thanking God for making my day easy, fun and wonderful.  Suddenly, I remembered I had left my sunglasses at home. Oh no, I need it as it looks like it was going to be a sunny day. I  walked back briskly, got it and walked briskly to the bus stop, as I didn't want to miss the bus. As  I always leave super early,  I could catch the later one and still arrive early, but I still wanted to catch the first one. As I was approaching the bus stop, I noticed the bus lights were on indicating it was about to leave. To my utter amazement,  I saw the driver walking towards the Portaloo (toilet) near the bus stop.  There was now no need to rush. After the driver got out of the loo, he took his time and chatted to the bus the bus behind. He then finally got on his bus and drove to the stop and let us in. Isn't it wonderful how God, who controls time, inspired the driver to

Christ is My Life

"For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." Matthew 16: 25 ---- After I heard about another celebrity who had committed suicide, it got me thinking about  life. I used to think life belonged to me and I could do whatever I want with it. I could live the way I want or get rid of it once I've had enough of living. There was a time when I was feeling really depressed and no longer wanted to live, but I couldn't  commit suicide as I didn't want to hurt my mum.  I decided to give myself a reason to live  by loving at least one person a day, which kept those suicide fantasies at bay. After my mum passed away, the suicidal urge returned with full force. I asked a Christian friend to pray for me which stopped the urge, temporarily. I continued with my purpose of sharing love. When I finally accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour, I gave up my life and in exchange Christ became my everlasting life and

If God is Sovereign, Why is there Evil?

It is written in the Bible that God is in complete control and rules over all. (Psalm 103: 19l If God is sovereign and in control of the entire universe, why is there so much evil in the world? In other words, why does He allow evil to continue? The Bible tells us that because God is extremely patient, He gives us many second chances to enable us to repent or change our ways, as He doesn't want anyone to perish. (2 Peter 3: 9) That's why God allows men to continue in their sin. At a time of God's choosing, He brings down the proud. (Daniel 4: 37) One example in the Bible is  the life of King Nebuchadnezzar. God sent a  dream to the king to warn him about his sins and how he was exalting himself above God.  If he did not repent, he would temporarily lose his kingdom and be driven away from human society and end up eating grass like animals.  The king did not heed God's warning. After a year, he ended up going mad and lived like an animal for seven years. God then res

Word Association

Usually when someone introduces themselves, I tend to instantly forget their name, even when the name is an easy English name. The only way I remember names is when I make an association with them. With non-English names, I have to keep asking and repeating them until they eventually stick. Where I work, there's a room some people ask about. Because I hadn't made an association,  I had to ask my colleague to remind me. I finally made an association that the name starting with an "F" is the name of a previous President. Now that I had made that association I knew I would never forget it. The next day, I noticed a visitor wearing a t-shirt with the same name on it. 😊 Another time, I was chatting to a work colleague about Superman. Suddenly, I noticed a visitor with a  t-shirt with the Superman logo. Very funny, God! 😆

Called by My Name

So a visitor asked me a question. After I answered it, he said, "Thank you, Sue." I wondered how he knew my name. He must have seen it on my lanyard. I looked down and saw that my lanyard was hidden inside my jacket. There's no way he could have seen my name unless he could see through my jacket. I believe either God had revealed my name to him or he was an angel.  ❤️

God is Great!

"For You are great, and do wondrous things; You alone are God." Psalm 86: 10 "Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite." Psalm 147: 5 "Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You." Jeremiah 32: 17

The Queue Manager

"The Lord has established His throne in heaven, And His kingdom rules over all." Psalm 103: 19 ----- Today, as there were only two of us that had turned up for that shift, our manager asked us to work at the front gates. This meant we needed the guys on queue management to ensure we weren't overwhelmed with visitors. They also covered our lunch and tea breaks. The most amazing thing was although my colleague and I were busy, we were not overloaded with visitors. My colleague marvelled at how quiet it was and how easy he found working with me. Later, while we having our end of shift briefing, our manager told us she had been feeling stressed in the morning because we were so short-staffed. She thanked us for the way we had adjusted and handled the situation. I wasn't stressed at all as I knew God is in control. Thank you, Lord, for managing the queue and providing all the support we needed. ❤️


A few days ago, while I was volunteering as a steward at a church event, another steward told me her 16 year old daughter would be interested in volunteering at the museum I was working at.  She asked if I knew what the minimum age requirement was. I said I didn't know.  Another steward volunteer, who I happened to work with, offered to find out for her. Today, I returned to work after being off for a few days While I was having lunch at  the staff restaurant, this woman asked if she could share my table. We got chatting and it turned out she was a volunteer at the museum, which reminded me of the conversation I'd had at church. I asked her if she knew anything about young volunteers, but she didn't as she worked with older retired volunteers. (I found out later that the minimum age is 18). Of all of the hundreds of staff who worked at that museum, it's amazing how I had a volunteer sit opposite me at lunch. Only God could arrange that. That's what I love about walk

My Perfect Day

Today has been the perfect day for me, weatherwise. The morning started off rainy, then it stayed dry,  cloudy, cool, slightly sunny, with a slight breeze. As I was working outdoors, I had a jacket, hat and scarf, but took the hat and scarf off when it got warm. I then put on my goggles when it got sunny and took them off when it was cloudy. I wore my scarf when it got breezy.  I have decided 17C/62F is the perfect summer's day. Anything above that is a heatwave. 😆

Leap of Faith

For a couple of years now, someone has been courting me. I have been keeping him at arms length as I've been very wary of getting into a relationship with him. A couple of weeks ago, I finally decided to take a leap of faith nd agreed to enter into a serious relationship with him. So far, so good! Windows 11 is alright actually! I should have downloaded it a long time ago on my laptop. They must have ironed out any issues they had. I bet you all thought I was referring to a bloke, didn't you? 😆


"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5: 6-8  ----- On the bus, I noticed this guy wearing a t-shirt and showing off his bulging muscles. So I asked him to open a bottle of soft drink I was struggling with. He was very willing. Thank you, Lord, for sending me Hercules when I needed Your strength.❤️

Jesus Answers My Questions

For the last two weeks I've noticed a photo of this man on the Christian TV that I usually watch on my laptop. The photo reminds me of the evangelist, David Hathaway.  I wondered if he was okay and still preaching. Today, I was off work. During the day, I was relaxing in bed half listening to the Christian channel on my laptop and half snoozing. I suddenly woke up and turned the YouTube channel on. Right at that moment, I saw David Hathaway on stage at a Gospel Campaign. The event actually happened 5 days ago at Trafalgar Square, but they were showing part 2 of the video right at that moment.  David was giving a testimony about Jesus and the miracles he's experienced in his life. He even said he's now 92 and intends to appear at Trafalgar Square when he's 100 years old. Isn't it amazing how the Lord Jesus made me watch YouTube at the exact moment when the evangelist was on? Thank you, Jesus, for answering my questions. ❤️

Preaching the Gospel

"And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16: 15 ---- Before Jesus ascended into the  Heaven, he commanded his disciples to go into the world and preach the Gospel or Good News. As Jesus' disciple, I also obey that commandment. However,  you won't see me at street corners preaching the Gospel, as that's not my calling. I preach the Gospel in two ways. The first way is by showing others my lifestyle. A while back, I woke up with a tooth absess with my jaw visibly swollen. My flatmate, whose daughter is a dentist, told me I had an infection and needed antibiotics.  She suggested that I should book an appointment with a dentist asap. I told her I would be fine. The next day when she noticed the swelling on my face had gone down, she asked me how I was feeling. I told her the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, living inside of me,* had healed my tooth. As an Orthodox Christian, my flatmate knows exactly w

About Being Weird

The other day, I was having a conversation with a work colleague, who is also a Christian. I told him people who know me tend to think I'm weird because of the way I think.  My colleague said someone who is truly a disciple of Christ is perceived as weird by the world because they don't think like people of the world.  I told him my mum once told me she didn't see me as human, she classified me as "something else" because of the way I think. Today I was chatting to my flatmate and some friends about pain and pain relief. My flatmate said to me "you don't get pain, do you? You have Jesus." That made me laugh. "I do get pain, and yes, I have Jesus. Jesus is my painkiller." That's why people find me weird because Jesus is my everything. ❤️

St Paul's Cathedral

Today, I went to visit my brothers and sisters in Christ at St Paul's Cathedral. I've never attended a service there before. Now is the perfect time! Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photos inside the church. Suffice it to say, it looks very grand inside.  After the service, I saw a statue of someone very familiar - John Wesley (founder of the Methodist church).  A visotor, who happened to be a Merhodist Minister from Anerica, asked if I wanted him to take my photo with John Wesley's statue. I said yes. I also returned the favour.

My the Fourth Be With You

Happy May the Fourth, Star Wars Fans! 😆

Secret to Eternal Youth and Eternal Life

 I believe the secret to eternal youth and eternal life is believing in Jesus Christ and that He lives in you (John 11: 25, Galatians 2: 20) and He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13: 8).  Jesus is the secret to eternal youth and eternal life. ❤️ ----- "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die." John 11: 25-26 "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2: 20 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13: 8,

Seeing the End in the Beginning

"That which is has already been, and what is to be has already been;" Ecclesiastes 3: 15 ---- I was telling my flatmate about a guy I was flirting with until I found out he was over 25 years younger than I, which put me right off him. "I'm not exactly Joan Collins," I said.  (JC's husband is 31 years younger than her). "You attract young men because you look so young," she said. "Another thing, he's non-Christian, which is a no-go area." "No point wasting your time on someone who doesn't share your values," she said. "That's the great thing I find about getting older - I can see the end in the beginning so I don't have to waste my time," I said. "That's a nice way to put it," she chuckled.  😆

God's Help in Trouble

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46: 1 ----- I took my new tote bag with the slogan "Jesus loves Me...and You" to wor As usual  I was over an hour early, so I headed to the staff restaurant to get some toast and hot chocolate. When I finished my food, I thought I would go for a walk around the galleries. Just at that moment a security guard, who I am now friends with, walked in. I gave her a hug and asked how she was. She told me she was feeling upset as she had left her phone at a train station and really worried about someone stealing her personal details. She said she didn't have any money as she uses her phone to do transactions. I told her not to worry. First, I bought her breakfast. She was uneasy about this, but I told her the breakfast wasn't coming from me, but from God. I showed her my new tote bag with the words: "Jesus loves Me...and You."  "See, it is God loving you through me," I said.

Jesus Loves Me and You

"Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore  you  on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God." 2 Corinthians 5: 20 ---- As I'm constantly carrying tote bags with various slogans and company logos, I asked my friend to design a slogan on a tote bag that means a lot to me. Here's one of the bags that my friend designed for me. I love it and I will be carrying it with pride.  Jesus loves me...and you. ✝️

Grieving the Holy Spirit

I was chatting to a work colleague, a fellow Christian,  about the Holy Spirit.   I said after I snapped at another colleague, I felt so bad about it. After we finished work I went up to my colleague and apologised for the way I had spoken to her. She said she was only trying to help and I acknowledged her good intention. We then exchanged hugs. My Christian colleague said I had basically grieved the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4: 30) by the way I had spoken to my colleague and He had inspired me to apologise. I agreed with her. My friend said she has also had a similar experience of grieving.the Holy Spirit by her behaviour and He had spoken to her about it. Thank you,  Holy Spirit, for being my constant Guide and Helper. ❤️ ----- Related Bible verse "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, fo


"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine." Isaiah 43: 1 ---- I love the original "Top Gun" movie, which I've seen numerous times. However, I think the sequel, "Top Gun: Maverick" is far more superior because Maverick has matured. His peers think that at a certain age he should have been promoted to the highest rank possible, but that's not right for him. For Maverick, it's all about finding where he truly belongs, then everything falls into place. What does "belong" mean? There are two meanings. The first means to own something as in this phone belongs to me. The second means being a member of something. For instance, I belong to my family, an agency, etc. When I became a Christian (born again believer in Christ), I experienced both meanings of belonging: I officially belonged to God the Father,  Son and the  Holy Spirit and I belonged to the Body of Christ called Christians. I believe o

God is My Life

"Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts." Zechariah 4: 6 ---- When a work colleague in his early twenties asked me what my secret was for looking a lot younger than my age, at first I said God. Later, I gave him another explanation. I said when I'm travelling to work, I usually travel by public transport (bus, tube or train). This means I just relax and let the driver take me to my destination. I said believing in God is rather like travelling on public transport. I am never using my own energy, I am always drawing on His inexhaustible energy. While my colleague understood the analogy, I don't think he believed me. I do everything by the Holy Spirit.♥️ ------ “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. 8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not [a]fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor

Shopping with the Holy Spirit

Because my job involves standing up for hours, I needed to get new footwear as the cheap trainers I've been wearing have been very uncomfortable. I have several trainers which are very comfortable, but they are too colourful for work as your shoes have to be black. My ideal would be black trainers that could pass as smart shoes where the logo is either hidden or not that obvious. The first thing I did was check the website of my favourite brand of trainers, I found a pair I liked. Because they said they come in small sizes, I decided to visit one of their stores at Oxfird Street (Europe's busiest shopping street with 200+ shops) where I could try them on for size. After work, I caught the bus to Oxford Street. As the bus was driving  by, I noticed a shop that someone had recommended. (I actually have one of their trainers, but they are in pink and blue and not suitable for work). There was another shoe shop next door that I am also familiar with.  Should I get off the bus? Nah.

Zeus Loves Me

"God is Love." 1 John 4: 8 ----- I've been busy working and haven't spent much time with Zeus. Today I'm leaving late so I'm spending quality time with Zeus before I get ready for work. ❤️

Celebrity Spotting

Today, I spotted Candace Owens, the American political commentator, whose podcasts I sometimes watch on YouTube. I like how bold her commentaries are and she's a Christian.  I asked her for a hug and she gave me a warm hug. ❤️ Photo of Candace Owens courtesy of Google Imagrs

A Positive Experience

While we were having a debrief at the end of our shift, our manager asked us to name a very positive experience we had today. "The Pesto and pasta I had for lunch was quite nice", I said. I don't think that was the response he was expecting. 😆

Feeding the Hungry

After work, I have to walk through this park to the tube station. At the park gate, I noticed a woman sitting on the ground begging passersby for money. She had a sign saying "I am very hungry. God bless you." I'm sure Ive seen her there before, but today I felt compelled to buy her some food.  I went to a local shop, which sells topnotch sandwiches.  I then asked the Lord which one to get. I also got a fruit juice and a chocolate bar for dessert. When I returned to the park gate, the woman wasn't there. I asked a guy with a kiosk close by if he'd seen the woman. He said she must have popped out somewhere as her stuff was still there. I asked him if I could leave the bag of food with him, but he suggested I put the food in the woman's bag, which I did. I am actually glad the woman wasn't there as my ego might have been tempted to take credit for the idea. It's much more wonderful for her to turn up and find a bag of food next to her "I am very


"Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. " Matthew 18: 3 --- While I was welcoming visitors to the museum, I noticed this little girl with her mum and she was looking glum.  I said to her, "You look like you don't want to be here." Her mum explained to me that the girl wanted to go to another tourist attraction, but she wanted them to come to the museum first. I told the girl at least she had something to look forward to after the museum, which made her smile. I then said au revoir to them. Later, I noticed two little girls, who looked like sisters and aged between 5 and 7, coming out of the museum, I asked one if they'd had fun. "I don't like museums," she said in an American accent. "Good for you," I said. "Thanks for being so honest." Their dad, who was right behind them, was laughing and said "Well, we liked it," referrin

I am Spirit

While I was travelling on the bus, I had two bags of shopping on the empty seat beside me. At one point when the bus suddenly lurched forward, the bags fell to the floor, almost hitting the passenger sitting in front of me.I apologised to the passenger and picked up the bags from the floor. It got me thinking that if I had been suddenly thrown forward, I would have automatically reached out to grab hold of the rail or a passenger to prevent myself from falling. However,  because the bags of shopping have no power or intelligence they immediately fell to the floor. If I wasn't there to pick the bags up, they would have remained on the floor. I thought about cars which need a person or an intelligence inside to drive them.  I believe our bodies are rather like cars. It is our spirits that give our bodies life.  I also believe the life we give our bodies depend on whether our spirits are born again or not.  (John 3: 3) By born again, I mean those who have accepted Jesus as their pe

Love Song

 I love this song. It reminds me of my love for Jesus. "All kinds of everything remind me of you." ❤️

Mother Hen

 "And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”  1 Peter 4: 7-8 ---- At the museum I  have been working at, a few colleagues have been complaining about another member who is not pulling his weight. Although I know my colleagues are right, for some strange reason, this young man is bringing out the Mother Hen in me; and all I want to do is protect him. I also know he hasn't been well so I feel a lot of compassion towards him. Love covers a multitude of sins. 

I Surrender All - Revisited9

"And do not present your members  as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members  as  instruments of righteousness to God.   For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace."  Romans 6: 13-14 ---- I have been practising surremdering everything to the Lord. I don't always remember to. When I got up this morning, I surrendered my whole being and every moment of my day to the Lord. I left home earlier than usual to catch the bus to the nearest tube station. When I arrived at the station, the  platform was chock-a-block with passengers. There was a notice informing passengers that there was a severe delay. An announcement came on advising passengers to find alternative routes to their destination. I started wondering whether I should catch the bus. Do I have enough time to catch the bus and arrive at work on time? I then reminded myself that I was surrendering eve

He is Risen

To celebrate Jesus's resurrection, we brought flowers to decorate the Cross. ❤️

Happy Easter!

 Happy Easter,  everyone! ❤️

Good Friday Tradition

When my mum was alive, she and I had this tradition where we always watched a film about the life of Jesus on Good Friday. (It's usually on one of the BBC TV channels). After my mum passed, I carried on the tradition and continued to watch a film about Jesus on the BBC on my own on Good Friday.  I have decided to break away from that tradition. Today, I am attending a Good Friday service at my church. After the service, we are going on a prayer walk to Trafalgar Square to watch a play about the life of Jesus. When I go home, I shall still watch the film on the BBCIplayer that BBC2 is showing today called  "The Robe" about the centurion who was in charge of the crucifixion and was so affected by the experience, he converted to Christianity. God bless you all! ❤️

It is Finished!

"Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), Galatians 3: 13 ---- In the Christian calendar, Good Friday was Jesus' darkest day. While He was being crucified on the cross,  He took on board all of the curse, poverty, punishment, rejection, shame, sin, sickness, poverty and death of all of humanity for all time so that those who believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3: 16) Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me on the cross. ❤️ Image of the cross courtesy of Google Images, but I added the caption.

Happy Birthday, Mum!

Thinking of you mum, Isa, on your earthly birthday. In Heaven I know there's no such a thing as birthdays, only ever new joy. Thank you for playing the role of my mum. Love you. ❤️

Dreaming of Flowers

In my dream last night, I saw someone handing me a bouquet of flowers that looked like daffodils. When my flatmate came home from work today, she gave me a bouquet of flowers, but they were tulips.  I told her I had dreamt it. 😊 Thank you, God, for the flowers. ❤️ Photo of the tulips.

The Many Faces of Zeus

While I was doing the chores, Zeus kept miaowing at me to feed him. (I'd only fed hour before). I told him to wait till I had finished cleaning and mopping the kitchen floor.  After I fed him, he hopped on my bed. ❤️

A Sttrange Week

I've had a very strange week. On Monday night I had a nightmare where I was being stabbed in my heart by this demonic spirit. I tried to call out to Jesus, but I couldn't speak. I then called out to Jesus in my mind and the spirit disappeared.  This happened twice, but I was able to defeat it by thinking of the name of Jesus. (See Philippians 2: 9-11) For the last week or so, while I've been in the shower I've found myself humming the Anerican national anthem written by Francis Scott Key.  I know this because years ago when I visited a friend in Baltimore, she took me to Fort McHenry. I didcovered that Francis Scott Key had written the national anthem about Fort McHenry. We were even showed where he was when he wrote it. Every time I hummed the national anthem,  I was thinking, why on earth is the American national anthem in my head? Imagine how shocked I was a few days later when I saw in the news that the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore had collapsed. I am so sa

Love at the Bus Stop

When the bus arrived, we all queued up to get on. This man in front beckoned to this woman to go in front of him. The woman then beckoned to me to go ahead of her, but I insisted she get on in front of me. I believe what I had observed was Love in action. Imagine what the world would be like if we all put each others' needs first! ❤️  ---- "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7, NIV

Do Not Judge by Appearance

"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” John 7: 27 ----- On my way home from work last night, I looked at the news website on my phone.  The leading headlines were about Catherine, the Princess of Wales who is in treatment for cancer. Although I was shocked, I wasn't surprised. Now it all made sense. A few weeks ago, when I saw those first photos Kate Middleton had shared of herself and her kids, there was something about it that didn't look right. It looked very AI to me. I was going to post on Facebook about it, but I was inspired to hold my peace.  I  did discuss the photo with a friend when we met up for lunch. It is human nature to judge by appearance and come up with theories based on those "facts." Jesus teaches His followers not to judge by appearance as we only see things in part.    Now we know more about Kate's back story. I'm still not going to judge as I don't have the full picture. God bless Kate Middle

Sharing Sweets

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1: 17 ---- Usually while I am at work, I keep a packet of mints or sweets in the pocket of my trousers which I share with my colleagues. Yesterday I had a packet of sweets which  come in different colours ,(See link of the brand below).  While I was invigilating my section of the gallery, I kept thinking about offering a sweet to my colleague on the other side. When it was a lot quiter, I  walked over to her and asked her if she would like a sweet. As no foods and drinks are allowed in the gallery, we had to be very discreet. After she saw the brand, she told me  she had been thinking that the installation she was looking after reminded her of that particular brand of sweets. "There you go then," I said. "Your thoughts have been made manifest." Later when we moved to another area of the gallery, I off

Easter Eggs Sandwiches

How wonderful to see an Easter egg in the form of a sandwich. I bought one for myself and another for my flatmate. (My flatmate loved the idea of it). The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22) includes self-control. Self-control  is going to make me wait till Easter to open my Easter Egg sandwich. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me and my flatmate with these sandwiches. ❤️ Photos of the Easter egg sandwiches

Training My Inner Child

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22: 6 ----- I was chatting to a friend about when I used to work with young kids at primary school. I said I would teach them about, say, the importance of sharing the football. They would seem to take on board what I was saying. The very next day, the kids would  be fighting again over a football and I would have to repeat myself.  I had to keep repeating myself over and over again.  It was exhausting. I realised that must be what it's like being a parent.  My friend, who is a dad, said  haviing children involves repeating yourself over and over again. That's the only way they learn. It got me thinking about our Christian life. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, your spirit is now one with Christ. However your mind remains the same.  In other words, you still have the same old wordly beliefs, thoughts and experiences of the non-believers. You have to keep