How God Answered My Friend

"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33: 3


On Saturday evening I texted my friend to let her know that I wouldn't be attending church the next day as I had to work.

The next day, my friend sent me photos of a church event she was attending. When I told her I had been working at this hospital and museum for pensioners, she told me she almost applied for a role as an occupational therapist at that hospital.

After I sent my friend some photos I had taken of the museum and hospital, she told me she had been wondering what the building looks like inside.  I told her God had made a way to answer her wondering by getting me that job and working through me to show her those photos.

God is wonderful. ❤️

Some photos of the museum and hospital 


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