God is a DJ

(Previously posted on Facebook on 25.10.2018)

While I was speaking to the bank, they put me on hold and this music came on (see link below).  It reminded me of how wonderful God is.

Years ago, I heard soneone playing the song  and I wondered what the name of the song was. (That was before snartphones). When I saw my friend, who is a musician, I sang a bit of the melody to him and asked him the name of the song but he didn't recognise it. So I let it go. 

Early one morning,  around 5am, someone parked their car right underneath my bedroom window playing really loud music. I was so livid, I put out an intention for him to be banished to the ends of the earth but my prayer wasn't answered. He stayed put. The next song that came on was the song I had been wondering about. After that song finished the man drove off.

The next time I saw my musician friend, I hummed the full melody which he recognised.  He told me the song was Twilight by Maze.

God is aMaze-ing! ♥


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