School Run

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." 1 Peter 5: 7, NLT


I decided to leave home around 3.30pm, which would give me enough time to get to my destination by bus.

I checked the bus timetable and it said my first bus was due in about 5 minutes. Although it takes about 2 minutes to walk to the bus stop, I decided to leave immediately in case the bus arrived early.

As I was approaching the bus stop, I noticed lots of school kids waiting at the bus stop and a huge traffic jam. That's all I need!  I had forgotten that the local school finishes around this time. I'm going to have to catch the tube now if I want to arrive on time.

I had the thought to walk to the previous bus stop, but I wasn't in the mood.

When I expressed my disappointment with a woman at the bus stop, she said you should always leave before 3pm to avoid the school kids.

When the bus arrived, I did manage to get a seat. At the tube station, I had more than enough time to wait for the next bus which took me all the way to central London. I even arrived 45 minutes early.

The next day although I left 15 minutes earlier than the day before, I decided to walk to the previous bus stop, which.takes about 5 minutes. Surprise, surprise, there were no school kids at that bus stop; and there were lots of seats available on the bus. When we arrived at my bus stop, there were even more kids there than the previous day.

Thank you, Jesus!

God cares about everything that concerns you including showing you how to travel in peace during the school run. ❤️


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