Jesus Answers My Questions

For the last two weeks I've noticed a photo of this man on the Christian TV that I usually watch on my laptop. The photo reminds me of the evangelist, David Hathaway.  I wondered if he was okay and still preaching.

Today, I was off work. During the day, I was relaxing in bed half listening to the Christian channel on my laptop and half snoozing.

I suddenly woke up and turned the YouTube channel on. Right at that moment, I saw David Hathaway on stage at a Gospel Campaign. The event actually happened 5 days ago at Trafalgar Square, but they were showing part 2 of the video right at that moment. 

David was giving a testimony about Jesus and the miracles he's experienced in his life. He even said he's now 92 and intends to appear at Trafalgar Square when he's 100 years old.

Isn't it amazing how the Lord Jesus made me watch YouTube at the exact moment when the evangelist was on?

Thank you, Jesus, for answering my questions. ❤️


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