Preaching the Gospel

"And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16: 15


Before Jesus ascended into the  Heaven, he commanded his disciples to go into the world and preach the Gospel or Good News.

As Jesus' disciple, I also obey that commandment. However,  you won't see me at street corners preaching the Gospel, as that's not my calling. I preach the Gospel in two ways.

The first way is by showing others my lifestyle.

A while back, I woke up with a tooth absess with my jaw visibly swollen. My flatmate, whose daughter is a dentist, told me I had an infection and needed antibiotics.  She suggested that I should book an appointment with a dentist asap. I told her I would be fine. The next day when she noticed the swelling on my face had gone down, she asked me how I was feeling. I told her the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, living inside of me,* had healed my tooth. As an Orthodox Christian, my flatmate knows exactly what I meant by Jesus being raised from the dead.  She said she was very happy for me. At least I've shown her what is possible when we believe in God. She's even accepted that I have Jesus in my life.

The second way I preach the Gospel is by simply sharing written and verbal testimonies of God's Grace and Blessings in my every day life in conversations with people I meet, on social media and on my blog.

Every day is an opportunity to share the Good News of the love of the living God, Jesus Christ. ❤️


* "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you." Romans 8: 11


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