Seeing the End in the Beginning

"That which is has already been, and what is to be has already been;" Ecclesiastes 3: 15


I was telling my flatmate about a guy I was flirting with until I found out he was over 25 years younger than I, which put me right off him.

"I'm not exactly Joan Collins," I said.  (JC's husband is 31 years younger than her).

"You attract young men because you look so young," she said.

"Another thing, he's non-Christian, which is a no-go area."

"No point wasting your time on someone who doesn't share your values," she said.

"That's the great thing I find about getting older - I can see the end in the beginning so I don't have to waste my time," I said.

"That's a nice way to put it," she chuckled.  😆


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