
Showing posts from June, 2024

I Need a New Scarf

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4: 19 ----- While I was getting ready for church, I thought to myself that I needed a new scarf.  Maybe,I'll pop into a store and look for one. I was also looking forward to catching up with my friend, who attends the same church as I haven't seen her in a few weeks. I also had a birthday gift for her. As I was walking to the church, I noticed the store I was going to pop into was closed. At church, I gave my friend my birthday gift. She also had gifts that she had bought for me while she was on holidays.  I waited until I got home before I opened up my gifts. One was a clog keyring and the other was a scarf. Very funny, God!  I bet you put the sxarf idea in my head, didn't you? 😄 The scarf is very much appreciated. ❤️ Photos of my new scarf and keyring

Loving or Being Right?

"Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4: 31-32 ----- A work colleague and I had   a disagreement about when I took my break. I pointed out to her that I hadn't left ealrly, but she was having none of it. While she was away on her tea break, I found myself rehearsing in my head a conversation I intended to have with her defending my point of view showing how I was right and she was wrong. I then had the thought to let the matter go When my colleague returned, I no longer had the desire to bicker with her. Instead, in between assisting visitors, we talked about our relationships with our mum's. She was in tears when I shared my experience with my mum and I gave her a hug. After work, we walked together to the local shops. Before we parted company, we exchanged warm hugs. Thank you, Holy Spirit...

Love Hats!

In 2018, I didn't mind basking in the sun, hence, my deep sun tan. Now I avoid the sun. However, what the me in 2018 and the me now still have in common is our love of hats. ❤️

Missing Lipstick Found

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Matthew 7: 7 "Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;" Psalm 135: 3 ----- While I was getting dressed for work, I couldn't find my favourite lipstick in my bag. I receive lots of compliments about that shade of lipstick. Maybe, I dropped it at work. I had another one that was almost finished. That will have to do until I either find my other one or get a new one. At work, I asked the manager at the staff restaurant if she'd found my lipstick. She said no. I checked the staff room, but no one had seen it. I finally checked the info desk in case someone had handed it. Nothing. I'll just have to buy a new one. On the way home, I decided to stop by the store to get another lipstick, but I couldn't be bothered to get off the bus. It's not that urgent, I can get it whenever. Before I went to sleep, I thought of my lipstick. "Lord,  you know eve...

Summer Jazz Barbecue

Some Christian friends invited me to their summer jazz barbecue to share their faith in Jesus. Great company, food, music and weather.   I give thanks to Jesus for His Grace. ❤️ Music by the Jeff Hammer Combo.

British Summer

At the bus stop, this woman asked if she could lean her shopping next to where I was sitting. She said she was having problem with the weather as it was too hot. She was born in Kenya (of Indian descent) but it wasn't as hot as it is here.  She has to be careful as she doesn't want to be ill. I told her I had a headache the other day because of the heat. I told her I lived in Sierra Leone as a child.  It's been over 40 years since I've been and I don't think I'll be able to cope with African heat if I went back. When she told me she'd been in the UK since 1964, I burst out laughing.  "The way you were complaining about the weather, I thought you'd only moved from Kenya last year," I said. "I just can't get used to the heat here," she said. When my bus arrived, I wished my friend well. So it's not just me then that doesn't appreciate the British humid summer.😄

Chivalry is Kindness

While the bus was approaching from a distance, an elderly man asked this woman to go ahead in front of him, but she declined. He asked me to go ahead in front of him and I told him he could go ahead as he was carrying shopping bags. "You ladies are strange," he said. "You don't seem to like gentlemanly behaviour." "Oh, yes, I do!" I said. "I'm from the older generation who appreciates when a man gives up a seat for her." "That's good to hear," he said. He told me he was 86 years old and he looked in very good form. When the bus arrived, the gentleman insisted that I go ahead of him. I was happy to oblige. In my reality, chivalry is very much alive.  Another word for chivalry is kindness. ❤️

Workinh with GenZs

I was having a conversation with a work colleague about a jacket I bought circa 1998 which I still wear as it's a classic and I paid a lot for it at the time. 8 "I was born in 1998," she said. "I love vintage clothing." 😄 Another colleague was having a problem with someone at work who had made her upset. She said, "I'm sure if it was you, you would have known how to handle him as you are quite elderly." "I'm elderly, am I? Thanks a lot!" She burst out laughing and said, "But you're a lot stronger than me though." That's what happens when you work with GenZs. Your clothing is vintage and they see you as elderly, even though they are puzzled that you still look young and are full of energy. 😄

Spirit versus Flesh

"For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law." Galatians 5: 17-18 ----- The Spirit is always present, but the flesh is constantly fiighting against the Spirit. Here's one example. While I was working outside welcoming guests into the museum, I started feeling like I was getting blurry vision, symptoms of a migraine, which I haven't had in years. I called my manager to let her know that I needed to take time out. She told me she was also experiencing a mgraine and  I could go home if I wasn't feeling well. I told her I just needed to sort my head out. I went to the staff room. As I was the only one there, I switched the light off, sat in a corner and started silently calling on the name of Jesus, whose name is above all names. This means every knee, including blurred vision, has to bow to Hi...

Blessing the Bus

"By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.' Hebrews 11: 2 ----- On the bus, I noticed this woman sitting on the opposite side with her foot on the seat. As I didn't want to ask her to remove her seat, I asked God to bless everywhere on the bus with love. The first thing I noticed wa she removed her seat and tossed her white cardigan on the seat. Then she put on her cardigan and stretched her foot but thus time she kept her foot off the seat. Everything comes from the spirit. If you want to change an environment in a positive way, it has to be done from the spirit. ❤️

Grace Church

Earlier this year, I found this Grace church online that's  not far from where I live. I intended to check it out, but got distracted and went to the local Methodist church instead. Today I paid a visit to the Grace church. I really enjoyed  the service.   I  love that they are very much focused on Jesus. The church members were very hospitable. After the service, I chatted to a few members and I was given a lift home. They knew exactly where I lived. Thank you, Jesus, for connecting me with fellow disciples. ❤️

Happy Father's Day!

 "The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you." Jeremiah 31: 3 ---- Just recently when I woke up, I could feel someone's arms around me. It felt very real and masculine. I knew it was the Lord’s arms around me. A few days later, I wanted to have that experience again so when I woke up I asked God to give me a hug. Although I knew God was giving me a hug, it didn't feel tangible like the last time. I then turned my  laptop on and logged on to a Christian channel I like watching. I then closed my eyes. Suddenly I saw a vision of a little girl lying in bed and being hugged by their dad. The girl was giggling and looked very happy. It was then I realised that the vision I was being shown represents me and my relationship with my Father God. I asked for a hug and He showed me a vision of our relationship.  I don't remember ever having that kind of relationship with my human ...

Blessing My Neighbour

"You are the light of the world."  Matthew 5: 14 ---- As Chrristians, we are the light of the world and we are to let the light  of Christ shine wherever we are. One way I shine my  light is to bless my neighbours. When I first moved into my current flat, my flatmate warned me that the lady next to my bedroom usually has her television on really loud as she's almost deaf and needs a hearing aid. I haven't seen her as she no longer goes out. My flatmate tells me she's now 100 years old, but refuses to be moved into a care home. She now has a carer who comes in a few days a week to help her. Early this morning I heard my neighbour's phone ringing, but there was no response. I've heard that happen lots of times before, but this time I was quite alarmed. I spoke to my flatmate about it and she assured me the lady probably didn't have her hearing aid on and couldn't hear the phone. Later as my flatmate was leaving for work, I looked outside my bedr...

Mind Meld

"For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16 ---- While I was sitting on a park bench people watching , I noticed this woman walking with  her dog beside her. As they were approaching the park gate, the dog stopped and sat down and waited for his owner to put the leash around his neck. Once the leash was on, it walked beside the woman. I was amazed how so in tune the dog was with its owner that he knew exactly when to stop to let put on his leash. The way the owner and her dog were so in tune reminds me of the Vulcans in the American sci-fi series, Star Trek. When a Vulcan wants to share his thoughts, he  mind melds with the willing participant by saying: "My mind to your mind, your thoughts to my thoughts." I believe when I gave my life to  Christ I allowed my mind to meld with Christ  His Mind becomes my mind and his thoughts become my thoughts. However, this is a continuous process of rene...

Everlasting Life

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life."John 6: 47 ----- I believe when Jesus said those who believe in Him have everlasting life, I take that literally to mean I have  infinite life in Christ. So what if I'm having a bad day or week? It doesn't matter, I have infinite more days/weeks to come. This week has been one of those weeks. At the start of the week (Sunday), I went for a lovely walk with an old friend and she bought me lunch. By the next day, I  started fighting a cold. I thanked God that I was already healed and received it by faith, but my flesh was having none of it. It developed into a full-blown cough and cold.  While I was wsiting for my body to catch up with what's already done, I had lots of sleep, meditated on Bible verses, watched videos and stuff I like on TV. By Wednesday, I'd ran out of food and forgot to ask my flatmate to buy me some. After praying for strength,  I went to this local cafe and got a take...

Annual Rent Increase

A few weeks ago, my flatmate and I had a chat about our annual rent increase which was fast approaching.  We wondered how much our landlord was going to increase our rent by and how far  I was willing to stretch myself. Last year's was a whopping increase. I didn't fancy another one this  year. I don't particularly want to move as I like living with my flatmates (including her cat). It's also a nice, quiet and green neighbourhood with great amenities. In fact, this flat met the exact requirements I prayed for. I trust that God will provide whatever the increase. Back to our conversation,  my flatmate and I decided not to worry, but wait and see what happens. I decided to wait on the Lord instead by praying for the rent increase to be fair and reasonable for all parties. Last night, I woke up around 3am to use the toilet. As I couldn't get back to sleep, I turned my phone on and started browsing the BBC news website. I noticed an article saying rents were increa...

The Lord is Watching Over Me

On this day, thee years ago, I went for a walk at Lee Valley Park.  I notced the clouds looked like a face. I could actually see two eyes and a nose.  I took a photo. To me, the face represents the Lord constantly watching over me.  Thank you, Lord, for constantly watching over me. ❤️  ---- "The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121: 7-8, NLT

What is Christianity?

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5: 1 "I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13: 5 ---- Christianity is not a religion, denomination, or theology. Christianity is man's personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  This means my relationship with God is constant wherever I am and whatever I am doing whether I am  being still, praying, praising God, reading the Bible, meditating on the Scriptures, in church, on public transport, at work, with friends, at home, browsing the Internet, taking a walk by myself and in my dreams.  That's what makes me a Christian and a woman of God. I give thanks to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, who is forever in and with me. ❤️

Keeping Bus Seats Clean

During my bus journey, I noticed this man sitting on the other side chatting loudly on his mobile with one foot on the seat in front of him. I hate when people do that. I was tempted to ask him if he could remove his foot from the seat, but I remembered from past experience that some people get really offended when you ask them to do that. I decided  to use another tack. I thanked God for filling the bus with His Presence. Immediately,  he removed his foot from the seat and crossed his legs. After a  few minutes, he placed his foot back on the seat. I reminded myself of God's loving presence and, In my thoughts, I commanded him to keep his foot off the seat. I then stopped focusing on him When I looked across at him, I noticed both feet were now on the floor and he kept them there for the duration of his journey.  He got off at the same stop as me. Thank you, Lord, for keeping London bus seats nice and clean. ❤️

God Gives Us Strength

While my work colleague, a fellow Christian, and I were having our afternoon tea break, she was using her laptop and I was reading passages from the Bible on my phone. One Bible verse I read was as follows: "He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength." Isaiah 40: 29 Later as we were packing up and getting ready to go home, she said she was feeling tired and prayed out loud asking  for God to give her strength. I read the Bible verse I had just read to her about God giving her strength. Isn't it wonderful how God meets His children's needs? ❤️