Mind Meld

"For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16


While I was sitting on a park bench people watching , I noticed this woman walking with  her dog beside her. As they were approaching the park gate, the dog stopped and sat down and waited for his owner to put the leash around his neck. Once the leash was on, it walked beside the woman.

I was amazed how so in tune the dog was with its owner that he knew exactly when to stop to let put on his leash.

The way the owner and her dog were so in tune reminds me of the Vulcans in the American sci-fi series, Star Trek. When a Vulcan wants to share his thoughts, he  mind melds with the willing participant by saying: "My mind to your mind, your thoughts to my thoughts."

I believe when I gave my life to  Christ I allowed my mind to meld with Christ  His Mind becomes my mind and his thoughts become my thoughts. However, this is a continuous process of renewing of my mind. I also have the Holy Spirit living in me who is costantly reminding me of the Truth. 

I have the Mind of Christ.  ❤️

Photo of a Vulcan Mind Meld courtesy of Google Images.


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