Annual Rent Increase

A few weeks ago, my flatmate and I had a chat about our annual rent increase which was fast approaching.  We wondered how much our landlord was going to increase our rent by and how far  I was willing to stretch myself.

Last year's was a whopping increase. I didn't fancy another one this  year.

I don't particularly want to move as I like living with my flatmates (including her cat). It's also a nice, quiet and green neighbourhood with great amenities. In fact, this flat met the exact requirements I prayed for. I trust that God will provide whatever the increase.

Back to our conversation,  my flatmate and I decided not to worry, but wait and see what happens.

I decided to wait on the Lord instead by praying for the rent increase to be fair and reasonable for all parties.

Last night, I woke up around 3am to use the toilet. As I couldn't get back to sleep, I turned my phone on and started browsing the BBC news website. I noticed an article saying rents were increasing about 6.6% a year, but the pace was slowing down. That meant our rent will be increased by about £50 a month each.

Later in the evening when my flatmate returned from work, I forwarded her the link to the rent article. After a while, I asked her if she'd seen the article. She said she hadn't seen my text as she had been speaking to our landlord at the time. Apparently, our landlord  said although he was aware of the rent increases of 6.6%, he was only going to increase our rent by £25 a month each because we are such good tenants.  Thank you, Jesus! ❤️.

According to my calculations, our landlord increased our rent by over 10% last year. I believe God has inspired him to make a massive readjustment this year in our favour.

Thank you, Lord, for being a wonderful Landlord.❤️

Here's the article:


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