British Summer

At the bus stop, this woman asked if she could lean her shopping next to where I was sitting.

She said she was having problem with the weather as it was too hot. She was born in Kenya (of Indian descent) but it wasn't as hot as it is here.  She has to be careful as she doesn't want to be ill. I told her I had a headache the other day because of the heat.

I told her I lived in Sierra Leone as a child.  It's been over 40 years since I've been and I don't think I'll be able to cope with African heat if I went back.

When she told me she'd been in the UK since 1964, I burst out laughing. 

"The way you were complaining about the weather, I thought you'd only moved from Kenya last year," I said.

"I just can't get used to the heat here," she said.

When my bus arrived, I wished my friend well.

So it's not just me then that doesn't appreciate the British humid summer.😄


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