Everlasting Life

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life."John 6: 47


I believe when Jesus said those who believe in Him have everlasting life, I take that literally to mean I have  infinite life in Christ. So what if I'm having a bad day or week? It doesn't matter, I have infinite more days/weeks to come.

This week has been one of those weeks. At the start of the week (Sunday), I went for a lovely walk with an old friend and she bought me lunch. By the next day, I  started fighting a cold. I thanked God that I was already healed and received it by faith, but my flesh was having none of it. It developed into a full-blown cough and cold.  While I was wsiting for my body to catch up with what's already done, I had lots of sleep, meditated on Bible verses, watched videos and stuff I like on TV.

By Wednesday, I'd ran out of food and forgot to ask my flatmate to buy me some. After praying for strength,  I went to this local cafe and got a takeaway jacket potato (baked potato) with tuna mayonnaise and salad. It took me three days to finish it. That's how much appetite I had.

As I like keeping to myself when I'm not well, I didn't see my flatmate though we kept in touch by text. When I finally saw her on Friday, she said, "Wow, you  look younger!" I told her that usually happens when I'm not feeling well as I'm drawing on God for my healing and energy.

Today, I visited the local cafe again and bought breakfast. This time, I ate the food in the cafe. The waitress was very happy to see me looking well.

I then went for a walk around our local park and then did some grocery shopping.

I believe taking a week off makes no difference to my everlasting life in Christ. ❤️


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