God Shows My Favourite Films

As channel Film4 is constantly showing Star Trek and Mission Impossible films, I wondered if they were still streaming them as I fancied watching at least one of them. They were listed, but they were not available to watch.


I spent the entire afternoon listening to Bible teachings.

By early evening, I  was ready to watch a film. I checked to see if there were any interesting films on. I noticed they had just started showing the film "Mission Impossible 2" on Channel 4, which I really like. So I watched it.

During the Ad breaks, they kept announcing that the next film coming up was "Infinite", which I've never heard of beforr. I thought it would be interesting to watch it.

In the final scene of "Mission Impossible 2", Ethan and his love interest, Nyah, are reunited at this beach where they are surrounded by lots of people, but they only have eyes for each other, it was as if the people around them (the extras) didn't exist. That's what happens when people initially fall in love, no one else exists but them.

When the film finished, an announcement came on that because the channel was have technical difficulties, they could no longer show the film, "Infinite", and they promised to show it another time. They were going to show "Star Trek" instead. Now, there are over 10 Star Trek movies, but the one they chose to show was the one I wanted to watch again.

All I could think of was, "Thank.you, Father!"

Right at that moment, I felt like I was the only one on the planet and God only had eyes for me and was pouring His unmerited favour on me by showing me films I love.

I am reminded of this Bible verse:

"Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalm 37: 4

How wonderful is God! ❤️


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