Tomorrow Will Worry about Itself
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6: 34, NKJV
"All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." John 1: 3, KJV
This customer came over and asked if she and her husband could share my table. I told her they were welcome to share the table.
When they sat down in front of me I asked them if they were in London for the day.
"How can you tell?" the man said.
"I just knew intuitively."
He told me they were from Buckinghamshire and were down in London because his wife was taking part in a 10K race next Sunday and they wanted to scout the area in preparation.
I told them I was attending a church not far away. I also asked them where exactly the race was starting and finishing. I was grateful for the information because the 10K race is going to affect me as my bus travels on that route. My bus is either going to be diverted or I will have to walk part of the way to church. Before I left, I wished the couple well.
Later, I thought about when Jesus tells his followers not to worry about tomorrow as tomorrow will worry about itself.
I believe Jesus, the Creator, already knows all tomorrows that we collectively refer to as the future. When I don't worry and simply trust in Him and enjoy the present, He will let me know what I need to know like the couple at the cafe warning me about what is planned for the future in a week's time. I can then plan accordingly. I even shared the information with a few church members I spoke to.
Thank you, Jesus, for warning me about the 10K race in the not too distant tomorrow! 

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