Asking Jesus to Do Everything

"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12: 9


Before I left home, I was feeling fine. By the time, I arrived at work, I was coughing so much I wanted to go home.

After our duty brief, I noticed I was meant to be doing ticketing during the first hour, which I don't like doing. The duty  manager told me I could swap with someone else. Another colleague agreed to swap my ticketing shift with his lobby shift. At first I didn't mind as I like chatting to people.  It was then I remembered I was coughing. I can't be coughing while welcoming guests. That's not professional!

What to do?

I know. Ask Jesus.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being my everything and for doing everything. Amen.

I was now ready for my first shift. Not only was I no longer coughing, I was enjoying meeting and greeting guests and having fun with them.

At one point, I noticed a colleague had this long lock of hair at the back of his head. I was curious why he had it and wanted to ask him, but he went home.  Nevermind, maybe next time.

Two hours later, whle I was working near the entrance scanning tickets, the same colleague walked into the gallery. He said the duty manager had asked him to fix a technical issue. After he had fixed the issue,  I told him I had been curious about his long lock. I asked him why he was growing it that way. He said instead of growing all of his hair in dreadlocks, he prefers to just grow one lock, which is easy to maintain. The rest of his hair was short and curly. (He is white and European, Italian I believe). I asked if I could feel his lock and he let me.  I teased him that the only reason why he had to come back was because I was curious about his hair. 😆

Later I noticed this guest  wearing this beautifull coat. I liked the cut which reminded me of a dress I have.  It's a pity she's leaving, I cant ask her about it. After a few minutes, I noticed the  same woman walking by me. I told her how much I loved the cut of her coat. She told me it was by some fashion designer I've never heard of. I then shared a photo of a dress I have that has a similar cut. She told me I looked good in the dress.

On the tube home, I got chatting to this woman who used to live in the area I now live in. It was fun to reminisce about the good old days with her

When I let Jesus do everything,  He makes life easy, fun and wonderful. ❤️


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