Separated for Only a Moment

"But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3: 8


One thing I love about Star Trek is the way they explore different timelines and dimensions, which align with my Christian faith. More on this later.7

In the episode, "The City on the Edge of Forever" (TOS, S1, E28),  Kirk and Spock enter this time portal to rescue McCoy.  They end up travelling back in time from the 23rd to the 20th century.  I won't say what happens because of spoilers. Suffice it to say, they did find McCoy. When Kirk and Spock return through the time portal, Scotty says, "What happened, sir? You only left a moment ago."

Spock says, "We were successful."

It's interesting that Kirk, Spock and McCoy were back in that time for several days, possibly weeks, but in the 23rd century, they were only gone for a moment.

Back to my Christian faith, I believe that a 1,000 years in this human reality is a day in heaven.  

This year is the 10th anniversary since my mum passed away. Although I was devastated when she died, I also knew that I would be reunited with her very soon.  Why?

Because if a 1,000 years is a day in heaven, where I believe mum is now, then any time apart will only be a few minutes of separation. Even if I didn't see her for another 100 years, we will only have been separated for about 2 hours. 

Like the Star Trek episode, I believe when I am reunited with my mum, we would only have been separated for a moment, several minutes or hours. I will then share my adventures with her just like I used to share my daily adventures with her when we lived together. That gives me comfort and encourages me to love and enjoy life. ❤️

                My beloved mum

The Time Portal before they jumped into the 20th century

⁰The Time Portal after they return from their adventures 


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