Questions Answered Perfectly

"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." Isaiah 65: 24, NIV


One morning, while I was waiting at the bus stop, the bus timetable kept saying there was one due in one minute, but that one minute was taking forever. By then, there were several of us at the stop and we were wondering about the delay. I had intended to travel by bus to work but it was now too late to travel by bus all the way. I was going to have to catch the tube when the bus finally arrived.  I thought, Lord, what's going on? Why is our bus delayed? Please send our bus!

Within a minute, a woman walking by stopped and told us that she had been on the first bus. She said when the bus driver refused a passenger entry because they didn't have the right fare, the passenger flipped and started kicking the door and the window.  The driver had to terminate and call the police. That was why there was a huge delay. We thanked the woman for letting us know and I also thanked God for answering my prayer. A few minutes later, another bus arrived.  I did get to work by tube and arrived on time.

Another time I was going to text  a friend to ask if he was working at the same event, but I forgot. During the day, I saw him walking towards me. After we hugged, I told him I had intended to text him to ask whether he was working.  He'd answered my question. 

I also wondered whether I would see another friend who was working at the same event. In a venue where there were over 250 staff scattered all over the huge venue and thousands of visitors, I saw my friend and I asked her where she was working.

Thank you, God, for answering all my questions perfectly.  ❤️


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