Perfect, Not!

"For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away." 1 Corinthians 13: 9-10


At this corporate event I was working at, I was  helping visitors find their way around the huge venue. Every time I showed visitors where to go, 99.9% of them would respond "perfect."

I have to say, it does make me cringe when I hear that word because it sounds so insincere. 

Why is everything seen as "perfect" these days?

When something is perfect, it means there is nothing missing, it is all good. That's hardly the case in the human realm. As the Bible puts it, human beings know things in part and from their own individual perspectives, which means we are never seeing the big picture.  

 And yet, all I keep hearing is "perfect, perfect, perfect."

For now,  I am treating the word "perfect" as the new fashionable term people are using that will soon be replaced by another new word in time.

Perfection doesn't exist in this world.

Only God is perfect. ❤️


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