Thank You, God!

On the way to church, I was praising and thanking God.

At church, I was really excited when I saw the first hymn was "Now Thank We All Our God,"  but the melody wasn't one I was familiar with. I noticed several people frowning as they weren't familiar with that tune either. I had problems following the melody and I sang the tune I love.

After the service, I went to complain to the organist. I told him I've loved that hymn since I was a child and was really disappointed when he played another tune. He was very sympathetic and said sometmes people prefer old tunes and he can't please everyone. He said it was the lay preacher who had asked him to play that particular tune.I 

So I went to speak to thw lay preacher and told her how disappointed I was with the tune that was played. She told me she's an organist and lots of churches play that tune. I told her I've never heard it before.i thanked her anyway for the service.

On the way out, I saw the organist at the door. He said next time they choose that hymn again, he promised to play my favourite tune. I'm going to hold him to his promise. 😆

Here's the hymn in the tune I love. ❤️


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