How His Truth Set Me Free

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8: 32


A few days ago, I posted a video clip of me dancing at a staff party.  Did you know two hours before that party, I was struggling healthwise? Here's the back story.

As I had been off for a few days on leave, I was enjoying my downtime. I didn't fancy going all the way into central London on my day off.

When I asked God if I should attend, I immediately had a vision of myself all dressed up in the outfit I was going to wear and seeing myself dancing. OK, I'll go.

I usually catch the tube in to work. As I had lots of time, I decided to catch the bus instead. On the bus I started feeling sick as if I was getting a stomach upset. If this feeling continued, I was going to just get off and get the bus back home.

Why would God give me the go-ahead to attend the party if I was going to be sick? Surely our all-knowing God knew this was going to happen? 

What is the truth here, Lord?

There is a famous verse in the Bible that believers and unbelievers like to quote: "the truth shall make you free" without understanding its full context. The full quote is as follows:

"Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8: 31-32

Jesus's "word" refers not only to what He taught during His three year ministry on earth, but His teachings after He died, resurrected  and ascended into Heaven. It was Jesus who inspired His apostles Peter, John, James, Jude and Paul to write the rest of the Books in the New Testament. 

Back to my conversation with God on the bus, He reminded me of a Bible verse I had been meditating on earlier:

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1: 17

Oh yeah, God is not wishy-washy.  If a gift is from God,  everything about it is good. Even if it doesn't appear that way, God will make it good.

Therefore, God who gave me the desire to attend the party  has also given me the energy and health to enjoy myself.  The  moment I accepted that Truth, boom, I was free of the sick symptoms. I had no more thoughts of returning home.

When I arrived, I met a work colleague who became my dance partner at the party and who filmed me dancing.

When you know the truth about Jesus and His teachings, that truth will set you free from whatever circumstance that is trying to bind you.

Thank you, God, for giving me that opportunity to dance and have fun. You alone get all the glory. ❤️

Here is the video clip.


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