When God Shuts a Door

On the way home from work, I stopped off at a store to get some groceries.  I then caught the tube. 

When I got out of the tube station, I noticed one of my buses was just about to drive off. I knocked on the doors and the driver let me in.

A few seconds later, I realised I had got on the wrong bus. In my head, I was frantically working out an alternative route. Maybe, I could catch the bus in front. When the bus stopped, I got off and tried to get on the one in front, but I was too slow and it drove off. I could either walk or catch a bus back to the tube station.

I walked for about 10 minutes with my bag of shopping to the tube station where I got the correct bus home.

I believe the shut door of the bus represents things that are not right for me. When  I go banging on those shut doors or forcing them to open, I end up going down the wrong path.

The good news is God's mercy is inexhaustible and He always provides new opportunities for me to get back on track.❤️


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