Jesus Christ, the Conductor

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.," Psalm 32: 8

"Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together." Psalm 34: 3


Whenever I watch a classical concert, my attention is always focused on the conductor.  I love how they are in command of all the musicians. Because the conductor knows the musical piece inside out, he knows exactly when to bring different musicians in. Of course, those musicians must be willing to submit to and trust in the conductor to lead them. Where there is a lack of trust, there is disharmony. 

I believe Jesus Christ is the Conductor of my life experiences. When I trust in Him, He let's me know when it's time to play my instrument and when to rest.

Here's an example.

Earlier today, I read a friend's post on Facebook about how she is still struggling with letting go of the last images of her mum before she passed away.

As I have had a similar experience, I could empathise with her. In my comment,  I said I have mentally erased the images of my mum at the ICU as I knew that wasn't her.  I said I now only have good memories of mum. I told my friend I hope she will soon only have wonderful memories of her mum.

In the meantime, another Facebook friend sent me a photo of when we were both volunteering at the hospital where my mum had passed. It reminded me of how those two years of volunteering had helped me with the grieving process. I posted the photo on my Facebook page with the back story.

My other Facebook friend responded to my comment on her post. She said maybe I could help her erase those traumatic mental images she still has of her mum.

I responded that after my mum passed, for months I was having nightmares about my mum and experiencing depression.  I asked a Christian friend (who I was living with at the time) to pray for me. To help get my mind off my woes, I  volunteered for a mental health charity at their head office. I then later volunteered at the hospital where my mum passed. I then directed my friend to the photo I had posted of my friend and I as volunteers and hoped it will help her. I also told her I will be praying for her.

I believe when my friend shared her despair on Facebook, it was Jesus, the Conductor, who brought her post to my attention. (As I have over 200 Facebook friends, it's impossible for me to see all posts or respond to them).  The Conductor also inspired me to respond to her post.

I believe it was also the Conductor who brought the old volunteering photo from about 8 years ago to my other friend's attention and nudged her to share that photo with me.

The Conductor then inspired me to share the photo on my Facebook page which I subsequently shared with the other friend.

The Conductor is now inspiring me to share this experience on my Facebook page and on my blog.

As I share testimonies about the Great Conductor at work,  I magnify Him in my life experiences.

Thank you, Jesus, for being a Wonderful Conductor! Please help me to trust in You to lead the way at all times. ♥️

Photo of a conductor at work at  a concert I was working at.


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