Birthday Lunch

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us," Ephesians 3: 20


A friend and I had planned to go out for lunch after church to celebrate my birthday. 

When I saw her at church, she told me the restaurant we intended to go to was  closed on Sundays. She also said she was helping a group after church. Although I was disappointed, I figured we could go out another time.

After the church service, which included a baptism, I went to hang out with some friends and church members. I had some cake which was provided by the baptism family. 

One of the church ministers joined us and got everyone to sing Happy Birthday to me and another church member whose birthday is in two days' time.

I was going to go home, but I decided to stay for a little while and chat to a church member I've never met before.

While we were chatting my friend came in to look for me

She told me the family who had the baptism were having a celebratory meal in the church basement and church members were welcome to join them. I asked my new friend to join us.

I had fun with my church fanily and enjoyed the music and the delicious meal.

When something doesn't go according to plan, God blesses you with something even more wonderful.

Thank you, God, for my birthday lunch. ❤️


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