Calling by Name

I have heard God calling my name.(He always calls me by my real name). It makes me feel so loved  and cherished when I hear Him saying my name.

While I was working at this business event, my supervisor asked me to cover a host who was scanning visitors' badges.  

Instead of just scanning the barcodes on visitors 'badges, I thought it would be fun to welcome each of them by their first name. Visitors who were looking very serious broke into smiles. They loved that I had taken that second or two to acknowledge them by their name  A few of them even asked me what my name was and how I was.

Later, a visitor asked me to print out a badge for him. He said he wanted to show his work colleagues when he goes back to Nigeria.  I told him my mum was half Nigerian and she and I have the same Nigerian middle name. He asked me what my middle name was and I told him. He pointed to the name on his badge that I had just printed. I was amazed to see that my middle name was the same as his last name.

You want to make someone feel loved, acknowledge them by their name.❤️


"But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob,

And He who formed you, O Israel:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by your name;

You are Mine." Isaiah 43: 1


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