Grocery Shopping

While I was doing grocery shopping at the supermarket, I started having stomach ache and feeling nauseous. (I get that sometimes when I am in shops). I calmed myself down and told myself I only had a few more items to get.

I asked a shop assistant where the eggs were and she told me to go down the next aisle.

As I was looking for the eggs, I noticed this woman ahead of me having a coughing fit. I asked her if I could get her some water and she said yes. I then told the shop assistant that a customer in the next aisle needed urgent assistance and asked her to get some water. 

I returned to the customer and assured her someone was going to get her some water. She apologised for her coughing fit. I told her I've had them too. I then wished her well and finished my shopping.

Funnily enough, I was no longer feeling nauseous and remained calm throughout even while I was using the self-checkout.

I guess when I stopped focusing on myself, I was able to experience and share God's love in the supermarket.

I still don't like shopping. I only do it on a need to basis. 😊


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