Do Not Judge by Appearance

"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” John 7: 27


On my way home from work last night, I looked at the news website on my phone.  The leading headlines were about Catherine, the Princess of Wales who is in treatment for cancer.

Although I was shocked, I wasn't surprised. Now it all made sense.

A few weeks ago, when I saw those first photos Kate Middleton had shared of herself and her kids, there was something about it that didn't look right. It looked very AI to me. I was going to post on Facebook about it, but I was inspired to hold my peace.  I  did discuss the photo with a friend when we met up for lunch.

It is human nature to judge by appearance and come up with theories based on those "facts." Jesus teaches His followers not to judge by appearance as we only see things in part.   

Now we know more about Kate's back story. I'm still not going to judge as I don't have the full picture.

God bless Kate Middleton. I wish her a speedy recovery and her family peace.

May we all learn not to judge by appearance and leave all judgment to the One who knows everything.  ❤️

Photo of Kate Middleton courtesy of Google Images

BBC News - Kate cancer diagnosis rewrites story of past weeks


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