Jesus is the Healer

"they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16: 18


While I was working at this art gallery last night, I was chatting to a colleague. He told me he was experiencing pain in one arm. I asked if he wanted me to receive healing. He said yes.

I lay my hand n his arm. After about a minute, I asked him how his arm was. He told me his arm felt lighter and pain free.

"What have you done? Have you been working magic on me?"

"It's not magic. Jesus said, if you lay your hands on the sick, they will get well. I'm just doing exactly what he said. He is the Healer, not me."

He asked me if I could recommend any natural remedies for cold. I told him I don't use any remedies, I go to God for everything. 

Before I finished my shift a few hours later, I asked my colleague how his arm was and he said it felt lighter.

Thank you, Jesus, for being the Healer.❤️


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