The Landlord

"The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein." Psalm 24: 1


When I arrived home in the evening, my flatmate told me the boiler wasn't working, which meant we didn't have any heating. She said she'd texted our landlord but hadn't heard from him. She wasn't sure whether he was away or not. I told her I wasn't going to worry about it as I know it will be fixed. She loaned me her electric heater, which I used to heat up my bedroom.

Before I went to bed. I prayed about the situation as follows.  

"Father, it is written that "the earth is the Lord's" which means everything belongs to You. You are the Lord of all lands, which makes you our Landlord. Thank you for fixing the boiler in Jesus's name."

I was so confident that the boiler was already working, when I woke up the next day I switched the heating on, but the boiler didn't come on. While I was having a shower I reminded myself that the boiler is already working as our Landlord has already fixed it.

I then got ready and went to church.

A few hours later, my flatmate texted me to let me know she'd heard from our landlord and he was coming round to look at the boiler to see if he can fix it.

By the time I returned home in the evening, the boiler was working and we had heating.

While I was grateful to oor landlord for his prompt acttion, I knew it was God working through him.

Thank you, Lord, for fixing the boiler.

You are the only Landlord there is. ❤️


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