Bus Delay

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8: 28


While I was waiting at the bus station for my delayed bus to arrive, this elderly lady sat next to me. I told her I had been waiting for over half an hour.  I said I believe the cause was due to road works. 

We made small talk. 

I told her I was off today, but back at work tomorrow. I said I used to work as a teaching assistant at primary schools, but I now work at various museums, galleries, theatres, events and films. I told her a lot of those venues have very strict dress codes which I like as it means I don't have to worry about what to wear to work.

I asked her what her profession was before she retired. She said she was a teacher and then became a PA (personal assistant). I told her a long time ago, I also worked as a PA.

Finally, our bus arrived, closely followed by two more proving the adage, "You wait ages for a bus and three come along at once." 😀

When we got on the first bus, my friend sat on the seat designated for the elderly. I asked if I could sit with her and continue our conversation and she said yes.

During the journey, the bus was packed full of irate passengers who had been waiting ages for the bus. 

In the meantime, my friend and I continued our conversation. She told me she loves visiting old Christophet Wren churches in the city. I told her I once went on a tour of the churches in the city designed by Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London in 1666.

I told her what church I attend and she knew the church. She said she's also a Christian.

I asked her where she lived and if she had always lived there. She said she was born in a town in north London, but moved to this area later after she got married. She has now been living in this area for 50 years. I told her I was born in the same town she was born in, but I have only been living in this part of London for the last six months. When I described the area I lived in, she asked if I lived in a particular building. I said yes. She told me her older sister lives in the same building, but on the other side. She said her sister is now house bound.  She said they call each other every day to check if they're both still alive. She said she planned to visit her sister either in the afternoon or the next day.

Before my friend got off, I wished her and her sister well.

That's a turn up for the books!  Something good came out of my bus delay. 

Thank you, God, for making my bus delay a very pleasant one. ❤️


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