Palace Mates

When I got off the tube, I waited for my bus for the final leg of my journey to work.

This woman turned up at the bus stop. As she was taking off one of her trainers, she told me she had a pebble in it. 

"It's amazing how one tiny pebble can cause so much grief," I said. "There's a lesson to learn there."

After making small talk, my friend started talking about how there are so many awful things going on in the world and she has stopped watching the news. I had a feeling she just wanted to vent and needed a listening ear so I didn't say anything. I simply acknowledged what she was sayimg with a nod.

When my bus arrived, I got up. She told me she needed the bus too. On the bus, I wanted to sit on my own so I sat at the back and she stood in front next to the driver. 

During the journey, I thought about my friend again and I blessed her with peace.

After about five minutes, I arrived at my stop. Before I got off, I tapped my friend's shoulder to say goodbye, but she told me she was getting off at the same stop.

I told her I was working at the local palace for the first time.

"No way," she said, "I work there!"

"How amazing is that!"

She told me she worked for the late Queen's granddaughter who has an office at the palace. 

As my friend  and I walked together to the palace, she told me what it was like to work for the princess.  When we arrived at the palace we parted company as she had to use a different gate for pallace staff. I walked to the other side of the pallace where I was working for the day.

I have no idea if I'll see my friend again, but she now holds a place in my heart forever. ❤️


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